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Light Cure is a light-curing elastic material for temporary restorations.

All types of temporary fillings (inlay and onlay)
- Sealing for implant-screw access
- Block out material
- Application of single temporary crown
-long term temporaries by maintaining the shape of tooth.
-Endodontic Temporary filling
Easy to place
- Easy removal in one piece
- ​Durable and tight marginal seal
- ​Low polymerization shrinkage
- ​Non-sticky
- ​Elastic
- Suitable for deep inlay preparation with parallel walls

1. Clean and dry the cavity.
2. Remove the lid from the syringe. Twist the extruder clockwise to dispense a sufficient amount.
3. Place into the cavity using a spatula or another suitable instrument.
4. Contour the restoration, leaving minimum excess.
5. Increments of 4mm can be cured in 10-20 seconds with a standard curing light (@ approx. 650m/cm2)
6. Check occlusion and adjust.
Picture 1 of 7


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Expiration Date:2025.12