Hello everyone) My name is Ira and I own this store ) 

I really love natural things and I want to share with you) 

I was born in the beautiful country of Ukraine and in my homeland there are many things that the WORLD should see)) Pharmacy preparations, eco tinctures, organic herbs, delicious honey and many other products.

You can always write me a personal message and ask for a product that I don't have on sale, I assure you I will always be happy to help you find everything you need)

Sincerely Irina 

World of seeds

Characteristics and description

Manufacturer handmade work

Country of origin Ukraine

API cream complex from the company apiproduct is an amazing cream that has a creamy texture and contains a balanced complex of medicinal herbs and biologically active unique substances, especially native royal jelly and chaga.

Volume: 20 ml

Ingredients: concentrated oil and water extracts: chaga, honey bee body, green tea, calendula, honey stevia, thyme grass, birch buds; beeswax; oils: propolis, burdock, castor, damask rose, lavender, mint; native royal jelly.


* Helps to reduce skin aging and the formation of wrinkles, resists fading and returns a healthy complexion to the face;

 * Reduces wrinkles and eliminates pigmentation and freckles;

 * Protects the skin from the effects of harmful artificial and environmental factors;

 * Quickly and completely restores the water balance of all skin layers at the cellular level;

 * Tones and nourishes the very structure of the skin;

 * Eliminates vascular mesh, reduces redness and normalizes blood circulation;

 * Heals and has a pronounced antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect;

 * Helps eliminate all types of acne, acne, demodecosis, as well as papillomas and warts, All types of acne and fungal skin diseases, reduces age spots, freckles, seals and neoplasms, reduces the density of scars and scars.

Biochemical composition: 

melanins (protect the skin from the effects of harmful environmental factors and are responsible for its pigmentation; biogenic stimulants slow down the aging process of the skin), pterins (have an oncostatic effect), heparin (decongestant, tonic), agaric acid, triterpenoids inotodiols, resins, trace elements, minerals.

Native bee royal jelly is considered the most nutritious in nature and contains more than 134 components, including 17 amino acids, vitamins A, C, D, K and group B, nectar and flower extracts. Royal jelly restores the skin, saturates with energy, stimulating intercellular metabolism.

Chaga is known to stimulate metabolic processes in the skin at the cellular level, improves the metabolic processes of the mucous membranes and muscles, improves tissue nutrition, soothes pain, resolves, anti-inflammatory, decongestant, antitumor, antifungal, antiviral, capillary strengthening effect, in most cases helps to restore elasticity and water-fat balance of the skin.

The essential composition of concentrated oils is created so refined that it is simply fascinating. Fresh lavender and mint chords inspire, Damask rose delights, and propolis silently protects.

The hydrogen index of API-cream complex pH5 (natural acidity of the skin).

The cream-balm has no side effects on the skin. Frequent use of cream-balm is not addictive.


It can be used as an auxiliary in a complex of therapeutic and preventive measures for human skin.

 Method of application: 

Apply a thin layer evenly 1-3 times a day to clean problem areas of the skin, preferably with light massage movements.

It is used to improve nutrition and stimulate metabolic processes in the cells of the skin, API cream complex from apiproduct, is applied in a thick layer for 1-1.5 hours, preferably before bedtime. We recommend removing the remnants of the API cream with a cosmetic napkin.

Contraindications: individual rejection of components.

Attention: in case of contact with the API-cream complex in the eyes, rinse with plenty of running water.

Storage conditions and shelf life: keep at a temperature of 5 to 10 degrees C, and a relative humidity of 70%.

Shelf life is 12 months.