Doctor Who
Once and Future
Part 2
The Artist at the End of Time

*Special Edition*

Big Finish
Audio Drama

Suffering the effects of degeneration, the Doctor heads towards the end of the universe in search of answers. Instead, he finds his daughter - Jenny - and an Artist whose works appear to mark the end of every world they touch.

The Doctor stabilises into his Fifth form to join forces with Jenny and the Curator to solve the mystery of the Final Gallery and the art it has collected.

Peter Davison (The Doctor)
Georgia Tennant (Jenny)
Colin Baker (The Curator / The Sixth Doctor)
Sylvester McCoy (The Seventh Doctor)
Stephen Noonan (The First Doctor)
Tim Treloar (The Third Doctor)
Michael Troughton (The Second Doctor)

Associate Producer Georgia Tennant
Senior Producer John Ainsworth
Cover Art by Lee Johnson
Director Ken Bentley
Executive Producer Jason Haigh-ElleryNicholas Briggs
Music by Howard Carter
Producer David Richardson
Script Editor Matt Fitton
Sound Design by Howard Carter
Written by James Goss
Product Format: 1-disc CD (jewel case)
Number of Discs: 1
Duration: 79 minutes
Physical Retail ISBN: 978-1-80240-094-6
Production Code: BFPDW60OAFCD02LE