Rosa Canina has a wide-ranging medical use. They are rich in vitamins, fatty acids, antioxidants, and even make up a significant method for benefiting vitamin C. Rosa Canina is one of the most powerful medicinal plants in the human body. The fruit itself is ripened by the summer months and is collected in nature in the fall months. Wild roses are found in every corner of Albania, and the main use is the medical one. Rosa Canina then dry up and are ready to convey all their incomparable values ​​to humans, mainly in the form of tea. Hundreds of Albanian families have wildlife gathering activity, but also other medicinal plants that, after collection, have the destination as well as the domestic market origin

Wild rose or Rosa Canina has a birthplace in Europe and Albania is one of the blessed places with this super plant. This wild bush is with glandular branches and reaches 2 to 4 meters in height. It has a long and fibrous root. Its branches hatch white or pink flowers with five to seven petals from the beginning of spring to mid-summer. Wild roses have a wide medical use. They are rich in vitamins, fatty acids, antioxidants, and even make up a significant way to benefit from vitamin C. Wild roses can be used for tea, can be marmalade or jam and can be included in many other foods. Their dry variant used in tea is mostly the most popular.

Health values

They are full of antioxidants, these cherry sized grains are the true treasure that the last roses of summer donate to humans. Usually we find them in orange and red. They are rich in vitamin C that is a strong antioxidant. They contain carotenoids and other bioactive substances. Hungarian scientists tested six antioxidants found in wild rose: beta-carotene, lutein, lycopene, neochromine, rubixanthine and zeaxanthin. All these substances were of great value, for each of them there was a characteristic that separated from the other. According to scientists, the blend of these antioxidants in wild rose offers many advantages  diseases

Prevents diabetes. Medical plant experts in Turkey have often used wild roses to treat diabetes. Scientists at Gazi University conducted some experiments at rats to examine the role of wild rose in preventing these symptoms and noted that the ethanolic extract in wild rose served as antioxidant, hypoglycemic and anti-diabetic. The results of the experiments make the most optimistic experts on wild rose ingredients and their values ​​against diabetes.

Prevents skin melanoma. When human skin is injured by excessive sunlight, the ground for melanoma is created, which is one of the most dangerous skin carcinogens. According to Japanese scientists, wild rose ingredients have a deterrent effect on the enzyme and on the production process of carcinogenic cells. Quercetin for example which is found in high amounts of wild rose serves as a strong weapon in the fight against melanoma.

Anti-inflammatory value. A group of Italian scientists discovered that rosacea could be successfully used in arthritis and other inflammatory therapies. Scientists saw that the anti-inflammatory effects of wild rose extracts were similar to indomethacin, a powerful enough pharmaceutical to  Strengthens the immune system. Wild rose is one of the elements to be used in the body's protective mechanisms. Prevents bacterial and viral infections. It fights the temperature, strengthens the immune function, fatigue, increases blood flow to the limb, increases the flow of water in the body and quenches the thirst.


A lot of studies have been done on people overweight (who according to the World Health Organization reached 1.5 billion worldwide) who had high levels of cholesterol and tension and discovered the positive and superior role of wild rose compared to pharmaceuticals for these two symptoms. Fights the cold. Wild rose has a high content of vitamin C. It can therefore be used in cold cure. In addition, wild rose helps the blood and bone. 


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