Your choice of either 5x7, 8x10 or 13x19 of this beautiful print.
Printed on professional grade heavyweight UltraPro Gloss photo paper and handled with care.

Larger size options may be available for select images - please message us with any questions

Free First Class shipping with tracking numbers on every order. 
Spend over $100 and get upgraded to Priority Mail Shipping! 

Your photos will be mailed to you in a plain, unmarked envelope and in a plastic sleeve so they won't be damaged by weather. 

All images mailed are in Ultra-High Resolution. 
If an image on Ebay seems grainy, it will not arrive to you that way.

Due to the potential for differences in computer images, resolution and color settings, the photo you receive may have a slight color variation from the one you see on your screen. 
Also due to variances in the rendering of the photo, there is a possibility of a border to ensure aspect ratio.

All sales are private and your identity will only be disclosed to the seller to mail your order. 
Photos are being sold from collectors to collector with no rights transferred. 
Buying any prints is not a transfer of rights. 
Photography is purchased through collectors and sold on a collectors basis

About our paper:

68lb. UltraPro Gloss prints vibrant colors and deep blacks. 10.4mil thickness gives your prints true photo lab quality. Compatible with any inkjet printer, this paper dries instantly for immediate quality and resistance to smears.

  • Surface: Glossy
  • Tone: Bright White
  • Weight: 68lb. / 270 gsm
  • Thickness: 10.4 mil