Hello everyone) My name is Ira and I own this store ) 

I really love natural things and I want to share with you) 

I was born in the beautiful country of Ukraine and in my homeland there are many things that the WORLD should see)) Pharmacy preparations, eco tinctures, organic herbs, delicious honey and many other products.

You can always write me a personal message and ask for a product that I don't have on sale, I assure you I will always be happy to help you find everything you need)


World of seeds 

Organic Bee Bread (Perga)

Bee bread is pollen collected by bees, then mixed with nectar and packed into the cells of the honeycomb where ferments slightly to form bee bread.

Bee bread contains: 

1. Practically all the essential amino acids, many different vitamins (A, B1, B2, B3, B6, C, E and H, biotin, folic acid and rutin) 
2. Minerals (calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorus and sodium) 

Bee bread is made up of: 

1. 55% carbohydrates 
2. 35% proteins 
3. 3% minerals and vitamins 
4. 3% fatty acids 
5. 5% various other ingredients 

Potential benefits: 

1. Strengthens immune system 
2. Stimulates healthy tissue regeneration 
3. Facilitates the treatment of inflammatory diseases 
4. Regulates intestinal function 
5. Slows down aging process 
6. Controls cholesterol levels in the blood 
7. Possesses detoxifying radio-protective effects 
8. Improves brain activity
9. Increases male potency
10. Treats infertility 
11. Restores the amount of vitamins and minerals in the body 
12. Accelerates recovery after injury and severe ailments 
13. Strengthens the central nervous system  
14. Reduces symptoms of allergy  
15. Strengthens the bones, improves eyesight, restores skin
16. Normalizes arterial pressure and therefore is suitable for the prevention of hypertension and hypotonia
17. The high content of potassium affects the cardiovascular system, and therefore the bee bread is successfully used to prevent atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke

How to use perga correctly?

🐝 All bee products and perga, including, are better absorbed after interacting with saliva, so they need to be kept in the mouth as long as possible, dissolving so that nutrients are absorbed through the oral mucosa. Do not wash down the parchment with any liquid for at least 30 minutes. Of course, this will not cause side effects, but it will significantly reduce the effectiveness of a valuable product and lead to the consumption of parchment without much benefit to the body.



The daily norm is calculated depending on the weight of a person (child) and is 70-100 mg per 1 kg of body weight. This daily dose is divided into 2-3 doses. The minimum course is 2 weeks, the maximum is 2 months, and then a break is made for 1 month.

For example: an adult with a weight of 70 kg needs to eat 5-7 grams per day, this is 1/3 tsp 3 times a day.

You can also conveniently measure the desired dose by the number of granules: 1 gram contains approximately 7-10 granules.

The parchment is natural, bee. Packing glass jar