Rare find. Vintage amp released in 1996.

Dimensions: 18" W by 14" D by 5.5" H. Weight: 55 lbs.

[Source: Ayre]
The V3 power amp is an A/B amplifier. Ayre has yet to build a low power pure Class A amplifier that never switches over to A/B. With the V3 being a MOSFET amp, and having a robust power supply, we have the bias set a bit higher on the V3 than any of our other amplifiers. The amp will probably operate somewhere up to 5-10 watts of Pure Class A before it switches its operation over to A/B mode.

[Stereopile Review]
Word of mouth on this remarkable 100Wpc amplifier was reaching fever pitch. Show reports over the last several years had sounded a consistent note—rooms that demoed with V-3s kept getting mentioned in "Best of Show" overviews.

I picked up a few other amps and this is sitting there like an orphan. Best to let someone else enjoy the class A amp quality.

Local pick up 07646 NJ

User Comments from Google Search.
The V-3's clean power is harnessed by using a fully-balanced, complementary-symmetry design that utilizes FET's throughout, three total active stages, no negative feedback, and a power supply that provides clean power from the beginning.
The Ayre V-3 is designed around fully balanced circuitry, meaning that
each channel is completely isolated, and immune from typical fluctuations,
protecting the precious original signal, even when operated in single-ended

User Comments

Top to bottom fluidity and seamless transitions across tonal ranges.

Too early to tell; none so far.

This amp is all about the music. I traded out my Krell amp/preamp combo and now drive the Ayre direct from a Levinson 39. (After doing the A/B test with a KRC-3 preamp in between.) I am as axcited now about this audio thing as I was when I upgraded my Yamaha reciver to Rotel separates in 1989. I agree with other reviews here - this is a music lover's amp. Fans of house, techno, hip-hop or any other "forward" sound should skip the V-3. Jazz, classical, GOOD rock and blues fans will find what they are looking for here. Am driving Audio Physic Virgos.