Black Level | Vinyl Body


Black Level Body

- Aderente
- Zip a 2 vie
- Collo con lacci

Accattivante body color argento realizzato dalla Black Level in uno stile provocatorio e seducente allo stesso tempo. Pensato senza maniche e con un taglio della gamba molto alto in modo da slanciarne la figura, mentre il body rimane aderente al corpo valorizzandone le forme.

Dotato di un collo alto semirigido decorato con un intreccio di lacci sul davanti, che lascia poi spazio ad una grande scollatura rotonda dalla quale scende una lunga cerniera a due vie fin dietro il fondoschiena attraversando la zona del cavallo, perfetto per le serate in compagnia.

Realizzato con materiali di ottima qualità in modo da assicurarti la massima comodità e piacere mentre lo si indossa.

- Linea: Black Level
- Colore: Argento
- Materiale: 100% Poliestere
- Rivestimento in Poliuretano
- Taglie: S, M, L, XL


Black Level Body

- Tight
- 2 Way zip
- Laced Collar

Eye-catching silver bodysuit made by Black Level in a style that is both provocative and seductive at the same time. Designed sleeveless and with a very high leg cut in order to slim the figure, while the bodysuit remains adherent to the body enhancing its shapes.

Equipped with a semi-rigid high collar decorated with a weave of laces on the front, which then leaves room for a large round neckline from which a long two-way zipper descends to the bottom crossing the crotch area, perfect for evenings with friends.

Made of excellent quality materials so that you will be assured of maximum comfort and pleasure while wearing it.

- Line: Black Level
- Color: Silver
- Material: 100% Polyester
- Polyurethane Coating
- Size: S, M, L, XL



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We ship only in discrete packages, to be able to understand the content you have to open the package, you can not understand what it contains from the outside.
We ship only with tracked system, either by express courier or by an international postal system.

Availability: The items are normally ready for delivery and are shipped within 48 hours of payment. If they are not ready for delivery, we will inform you about the time of escape.