PC Format CoverDisc 199 - April 2007 (Half Life 2 Mods)

66 Game Demos

UFO: Afterlight - This turn-based series places you on Martian soil where you attempt to manage resources, research new technologies and of course slaughter a vast army of bug-eyed aliens.
Silverfall - A massive slice of gaming pie introducing you to this action packed role-playing adventure! This demo includes several sub-missions spread over three maps, plus all the game's races are there to try.
Runaway 2 - Just when you thought the point-and-click adventure genre had all but died, Runaway 2 brings it back with some beautifully crafted visuals and mind-bending puzzles.
Plus lots more

Free Games

Open Arena - Quake 3 aficionados will recognise the now open source Quake 3 game engine employed to power this shooter. Decent set of maps and active online servers.

Game Mods

Half-Life 2 Collection - Play all 10 mods included on the DVD

90 Full Apps

Environmental Computing - Best free apps to make your lead-lined Co2-belching rig greener using XPs power saving features.
Video Tools - Oodles of free video apps for encoding, playing, converting, editing, movie management and burning to DVD! Plus utilities for video conversion suitable for popular portable video devices!
Memory - If you think your recalcitrant RAMs shafting overall system performanc, or suspect it could be causing stability problems, look no further than this 11 piece toolkit for answers.
Instant Media - This app saves you masses of time hunting around the web for video/audio casts by providing access to dozens of the best online content through a single specialised application portal.
CCleaner - You'd be astounded by the hundreds of megabytes of trash files that sits on your hard drive, unoticed for ages. CCleaner clears them safely by clicking a couple of buttons.
The PCF Hot 50 - Each and every issue the disc caters for just about every need you have, so not only saving you money, you are assured to have the best software available.

Sleeve is damaged when opening it up, but the disc is absolutely fine.