EMMANUELLE Movie DVD - Sexy Sylvia Kristel Erotic French Softcore Film ***SEALED. Condition is Brand new. Sent with Australia Post Standard Parcel.  MM3

Her name evokes visions of lush sensual discovery and the extremes of forbidden ecstasy! She is Emmanuelle, and this classic and its two sequels changed the look and feel of erotic cinema forever. 

Upon arriving in Bangkok to join her diplomat husband, newly married, young, beautiful and naive, Emmanuelle (Sylvia Kristel, The Nude Bomb) embarks on a voyage of sexual discovery. As she pursues the stunning Bee (Marika Green, Pickpocket), Mario (Alain Cuny, La Dolce Vita) initiates her into sexual refinements that make her an expert in the art of love. 

Emmanuelle spawned dozens of copycat erotic films for years to come, but none of them equaled the success and acclaim of the original starring Kristel. 

From the Director of The Story of O