The same product /weight to different country/zone with different shipping freight,so please consult us.

if you think shipping freight is high by air  , we can ship it by boat /railway /truck+delivery service. please discuss with us.


The lithium battery is the dangerous electric product ,so the shipping freight is higher than the normal product.

some country or zone maybe the lithium battery only can be shipped to the ocean prot or airport , so need you consult the seller.

Before you paying the order, you should see the technical parameter  carefully and confirm the inverter / automatic voltage regulator / stabilizer / solar controller / transformer / uninterrupted power supplier (UPS) can meet your requirement and solve your problem.

Besides, tell me the specification and parameters of what you want to buy; the express address to calculate the shipping freight; the input voltage range and rated output voltage.

 This is power inverter&battery charger +MPPT +battery is three products in one  3 in 1.

The inverter transforms DC (direct current) power stored by batteries into AC (alternating current) electricity that can be used to power tools and appliances of all varieties.

It also has a built-in multistage smart battery charger which uses AC power, like from the grid or from a fuel-powered generator, that can be used to recharge a battery bank as well. The battery-type selector on the top of the unit allows the ability to adjust the voltage provided to the bank.


It is stored in China.

The same product /weight to different country/zone with different shipping freight,so please consult us.


Before you paying the order, you should see the technical parameter  carefully and confirm the inverter / automatic voltage regulator / stabilizer / solar controller / transformer / uninterrupted power supplier (UPS) can meet your requirement and solve your problem.

Besides, tell me the specification and parameters of what you want to buy; the express address to calculate the shipping freight; the input voltage range and rated output voltage.