Mecsek Cleansing Detoxifying Herbal Tea Blend Loose Leaf with Lemon Grass  100g - Pack of 4 - Natural Remedy

Content of the set:
4 x 100 g / 4 x 3.5 oz

Description of Cleansing Detoxifying Herbal Tea:

This tea may be used to help remove waste accumulated within the body, and helps to inhibit sediment. Ingredients within this mixture have a diuretic effect and helps to excrete waste. Recommended to help prevent illness and as a detoxification therapy. This perscription-free tea allows for the treatment of mild complaints without medical supervision. This perscription-free therapeutic agent has medicinal effects but is not classified as a curative, with it’s effects demonstrated through the experience of folk medicine.

Some key benefits of Mecsek Detox Herbal Tea include:
- Helps to remove waste and toxins from the body.
- Contains natural diuretic ingredients to help excrete waste.
- Promotes overall digestive health and regularity.
- Made with natural herbs and no artificial colors or flavors.

- blackberry leaves
- oat grass
- nettle
- corn silk
- lemon grass leaf
- peppermint leaf
- birch leaf

Mecsek Detox Herbal Tea with Lemon Grass is a natural and effective way to cleanse your body and promote overall health. This loose-leaf tea blend contains natural herbs that help to remove waste and inhibit sediment, making it a great choice for anyone looking to improve their digestive health.


Put one teaspoon (approx. 1 g) of the tea mix into 2 dl (approx. 1 cup) of hot water, cook gently for 1 minute then cover and let stand until water cools, then strain. Consume warm 2-3 times daily, preferably without sweetening or with natural sweetener (honey). If possible, consume the prepared tea within one day after preparation. Continuous consumption is recommended for no more than 1 month, and may be continued after a short break.


Below 25 °C, at a dry place, away from light. Keep out of the reach of children.


The simultaneous consumption of this tea tea may alter the effects of diuretic and blood pressure reducing medication. If consuming such medication, consult your physician before drinking this tea. Do not consume this tea if taking diuretic medication (for heart and/or kidney failure), or if you are allergic or sensitive to any of the ingredients found within the tea. Should not be consumed by pregnant and nursing mothers, as the product’s active ingredients enter the bloodsteam. Not recommended for children under 12 years of age.

Try Mecsek Detox Herbal Tea with Lemon Grass today and experience the benefits of natural detoxification!

Country of Manufacturer: Hungary (Europe / EU)