This boring illustration illustrates a beautifully boring window, at a studio SOPHIE stayed in.

Upon waking, SOPHIE opened the curtains and looked out of this window and completely fell in love with the window and the curtains.

All boring really. Because she didn't want to prematurely leave this studio and continue drawing the curtains and window SOPHIE booked another night.

And so this artwork is priced to cover the cost of an additional nights stay and eBay promotion of art. Boring but true.

Painted on A4 drawn with Lamy fountain pen Broad nib and Parker cartridge.

Unframed so you can hop to The Range or a charity shop or eBay to purchase a suitable frame for the artwork to reside on a wall in your home.

All artworks are copyrighted to SOPHIE and if she finds you profiting from the artwork's she will be coming for her money.