Jade plant is one of the most popular succulents for its low maintenance and interesting shape. 

Use well-drained soil like gritty loam, cactus mix. 

This is a drought-tolerant plant. Allow the soil to dry before watering. Saturate the soil thoroughly until the excess water is fully drained from the pot. Use slow release fertilizer once every three months during growth season. 

You are buying one fully rooted starter plant 3"- 5"-long. Plant will be shipped with no pot.

***Shipping with protective packaging! However, keep in mind I have no control over outside forces and circumstances. And plants are generally vulnerable and susceptible to some browning and damage during the shipping process. Stressed plants can be revived with quality water and bright light. Luckily succulents are resilient plants and can survive without soil for approximately one month. Any petals that fall off can be propagated, thus creating more plants!***