This is Sterane, a powerful spirit with a lot of character. I met a lady named Margaret a few years back who was selling some random items online. I kept seeing the post and decided to message the woman to see if I could take a look. She agreed and that is how Sterane came about. She had a huge box full of random items, most of it was junk, but then Sterane caught my eye. I immediately grabbed her, paid, and left.

I knew Sterane was inhabiting this particular vessel and I needed to do some investigating. This is the story of Sterane based off of the information she has revealed to me. Sterane used to belong to Margaret’s grandmother but she was kept inside a locket. When her grandmother passed away, her spirit was released and finally chose a new vessel. Apparently, Margaret’s grandmother had had Sterane since she was was a young girl. Her parents always thought she just had imaginary friends until it continued in to adulthood. That is when they understood she was different but she must keep her “stories” to herself.

Sterane was kept secret from everyone besides Margaret’s grandmother, Martha. She never told a soul but she related to Sterane that when she was no longer around that she wanted her to find a new vessel and keeper. I have been her temporary keeper for a few years now but she is ready to find her forever home.

The connection between Sterane and me has grown deep, and it has become clear that the time has come for her to embark on a new journey. The threads of Sterane's past had unraveled slowly, revealing a tale intricately woven into the fabric of Margaret's family history. The locket that once cradled Sterane had served as a vessel, a sacred space for a spirit with stories to tell. From Margaret's grandmother, Martha, to me, Sterane had traversed the realms of time, each chapter a unique page in her existence.

My investigation into Sterane's past had unveiled a poignant narrative of a young girl with an extraordinary gift, a gift that transcended the boundaries of the tangible and the unseen. Martha's commitment to keeping Sterane's presence a secret had allowed the spirit to find solace in the generations that followed.

Now, standing at the crossroads of Sterane's journey, I felt a sense of responsibility and connection. It was time to honor Martha's wish and help Sterane find the keeper who would provide her a forever home.

Guided by the stories whispered through Sterane's presence, I have set out to discover the perfect custodian for this spirit. My search has led me to individuals with open hearts and a penchant for embracing the extraordinary but they haven’t been the right person. Each meeting became a dance of energies, a delicate interplay between spirits seeking harmony and she will do this with you as well. All you have to do is look at her picture, focus on her face, and allow her energy to transfer.

Sterane is a beautiful spirit. She is in her mid 30s and loves attention. If you allow it, Sterane will cause paranormal activity. She loves to move things, touch you, fog up mirrors, turn lights on and off, and blow out candles. She’s also been known to cause phantom smells and orbs. She communicates through pendulum, Ouija Board, spirit box, dowsing rods, and dream walking.


Hello, my given name is William Lee. I have been a spirit keeper for over 20 years. My collection has been my life. I have received spirits from Lebanon to Sydney. I love spirit keeping. It has been the most fulfilling part of my life. My only problem is my collection has grown too large. I can no longer keep all these wonderful beings in my care. I want to find them homes where their new keeper is as dedicated as I am. Please, if you choose to adopt one of my spirits, make a promise to yourself to care for them. Thank you for reading.