Pro Cotton Lunge Line - A perfect training aid designed for long hours of use. The extremely soft braided cotton lunge line is stitched through the center and has a rubber hand stopper. Brass plated Trigger bull snap. 24 foot long.

Note the picture with the lunge line on the grey board has the best true color.

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Simplified Multichannel Selling - This listing built with love at
Pro Cotton Lunge Line - A perfect training aid designed for long hours of use. The extremely soft braided cotton lunge line is stitched through the center and has a rubber hand stopper. Brass plated Trigger bull snap. 24 foot long. Note the picture with the lunge line on the grey board has the best true color.
Pro Cotton Lunge Line - A perfect training aid designed for long hours of use. The extremely soft braided cotton lunge line is stitched through the center and has a rubber hand stopper. Brass plated Trigger bull snap. 24 foot long. Note the picture with the lunge line on the grey board has the best true color.