CLEMES (Samuel, born in Cornwall, spent 10 years as a missionary teacher in Madagascar, 1845-1922)

Lesona avy amy ny Testamenta Taloha [Lessons from the Old Testament] 

(Antananarivo): NY Friends' Foreign Mission Association, n.d. [c1878, as per Worldcat]. First edition. [4], 177 pp. Peach coloured boards, title and publishing details printed on upper cover, blue cloth spine. Ex-libris 'Library of the American Museum of Natural History' with its bookplate and cancelled to front pastedown, and its blindstamp to head of title page and following leaf. Size: 8vo (cm x cm).

Very Good to Good condition. Light rubbing and minormarking to boards. Cloth at head of spine with small closed tear to cloth. Fore-edge of rear board with light wear. A few leaves with light age-toning. Small marginal chip to fore-edge of first text leaf, but in the blank margin, no text affected. Likewise, tiny chip to top outer edge of same leaf. Please ask if you require a more detailed condition report, or view gallery images closely.

A religious work in the Malagasy language, compiled by English missionary teacher Samuel Clemes and printed in Antananarivo in 1878 (undated but year taken from Worldcat]. Only one copy can be located [SOAS, London].

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