Product description

Almond oil, coconut hair oil, Almond hair oil benefits, almond hair oil

Almond oil, coconut hair oil, Almond hair oil benefits, almond hair oil

Almond oil, coconut hair oil, Almond hair oil benefits, almond hair oil

Almond oil, coconut hair oil, Almond hair oil benefits, almond hair oil


The nurturing touch of almond hair oil hydrates dry strands, leaving the hair soft and silky

The Ultimate Superfood fusion for your hair

The harmonious combination of coconut and almond delivers soft & silky hair


Coconut provides deep nourishment, resulting in stronger, lustrous hair

Almond oil, coconut hair oil, Almond hair oil benefits, almond hair oil

Almond oil, coconut hair oil, Almond hair oil benefits, almond hair oil

Almond oil, coconut hair oil, Almond hair oil benefits, almond hair oil

Almond Hair Oil for Softer & Silkier Hair

Fatty Acids present in almonds deeply nourish and condition hair, making it softer and silkier

Almond Oil for Shinier Hair

Adds natural sheen of your hair

Coconut Hair Oil for Deep Nourishment

Hydrates and provides deep nourishment, resulting in stronger & lustrous hair

Almond oil, coconut hair oil, Almond hair oil benefits, almond hair oil
Almond oil, coconut hair oil, Almond hair oil benefits, almond hair oil