Roasted Arabica Coffee Beans Flavored Vanilla with Cinnamon and Nutmeg - Cafe Frei 

Content of the set:
10 x 125 g / 10 x 4.4 oz

Indulge in Miami Elegance: Cafe Frei's Vanilla Coffee with Cinnamon and Nutmeg

Introducing Cafe Frei's Miami Beach Vanilla Coffee, a roasted whole bean delight infused with the tempting flavors of vanilla, cinnamon, and nutmeg, specially crafted for sweet milky coffees.

This blend is inspired by the hit recipe from the American coffee scene. In Miami, vanilla-flavored coffees are prepared with a touch of cinnamon and nutmeg, ensuring the drink is not overly sweet. Originally a favorite among the Argentine and Brazilian elite wintering in Miami Beach, this recipe has captured the hearts of coffee enthusiasts across America.

The only modification made is a refinement - instead of adding vanilla after roasting, Cafe Frei applies it during the roasting process to achieve a cleaner and richer flavor profile on the coffee beans.

Following the completion of roasting, the coffee beans undergo a day of rest to fully mature the flavors. Subsequently, the coffee is gently mixed in small batches with almond and Morello cherry aromas, allowing the open pores to absorb the richness of flavors like a sponge.

The result is a fragrant and flavor-rich coffee that can be easily prepared with any home coffee-making equipment. Experiment with coffee dosage and water temperature to find the perfect ratios that highlight the character of cherry and almond.

If you prefer sweetened coffee, only a small amount of sugar or honey is needed to further accentuate the complex nature of the coffee. The addition of milk further softens the flavor harmony, allowing you to tailor the coffee-drinking experience to your taste.

Indulge in the essence of Miami with every sip of this Vanilla Coffee, expertly blended with cinnamon and nutmeg. Cafe Frei's Miami Beach Vanilla Coffee is not just a coffee; it's a delightful experience that brings the flavors of the sunny beaches and vibrant culture straight to your cup.

How to Create at Home Vanilla-Flavored Coffee?

Thanks to Cafe Frei's unique roasting technology, this special-tasting coffee can be prepared from fragrant, flavored coffee beans using any home coffee brewing technology. In an espresso machine as well as in a refillable capsule or with a coke coffee maker or with an American-style filter method.

A small amount of sugar or honey emphasizes the complex character of the coffee even more. If you also add milk, it further softens the harmony of flavors.

Recommended amount for making a cup of coffee: 2 heaping teaspoons of ground coffee.

About Cafe Frei Coffee Company

Cafe Frei sources hand-picked and meticulously selected coffee beans from the finest Arabica plantations worldwide. They personally know most of the producers and only purchase green coffee from verified sources with confirmed origins. They strive to incorporate more organic and fair-trade coffees into their beverages and bring them to their roasting facility in Szécsény, Hungary.

With their own roasting and packaging facility, they roast raw coffee beans from nearly twenty countries across three continents, ensuring artisanal craftsmanship and meticulous attention to detail.

Ingredients: Roasted whole coffee beans 98%, flavors (vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg) 2%.


Always keep it closed, protected from light, in a cool place if possible, but never in the refrigerator! Always grind only as much as you are preparing!

Net weight: 125g - in protective gas packaging.

Allergens: Nutmeg, Hazelnut, Milk.

Country of Origin: Hungary (Europe / EU)