The purple gold sand pendant has various functions and effects, including:

1. Relieve stress and release the negative energy accumulated in the human body, thereby relaxing and soothing the body and mind.

2. It calms the mind, calms complex emotions, and can also play a certain role in assisting sleep at night, enabling people to quickly fall asleep.

3. Tranquilizing and assisting in sleep can help calm complex emotions, and can also play a certain role in assisting sleep at night, enabling people to quickly fall asleep.

4. Enhance confidence and courage, making people feel confident and brave in facing life's challenges.

5. Improving financial luck and attracting wealth can enhance an individual's wealth perception ability, helping people better grasp wealth opportunities and achieve success.

6. Ensuring peace and warding off evil can protect people from the invasion of evil forces, enhance personal protective abilities, dispel bad energy, and keep people away from troubles and dangers.

7. Improving interpersonal relationships and enhancing popularity can increase mutual understanding and trust, help people establish good interpersonal relationships, and achieve more success in work and life.

8. Promoting inner peace and relaxation can reduce stress and anxiety, enabling people to maintain a positive attitude and face life more optimistically and positively.

In short, the purple gold sand pendant is a gemstone with multiple effects and effects, which can have a positive impact on people's physical and mental health, both psychologically and physiologically.