"LSP22-5027" Abstract Painting on Canvas

Size : 43.3 Inches * 35.4 Inches (1100mm × 900mm)

Material : acrylic, ink, coral, ceramics, basalt painting on canvas
Year : 2022

Description of work

This work, expressed with a minimum of dots, lines, and planes, weaves the relationship between Jeju's mountains, rocks, and people in straight and diagonal lines. The artist expresses the stories of the people with rainbow colors, showing them in a beautiful and elegant way. 

Painter's Profile

- Ph.D. in Arts Management, University of the Arts Brno, Czech Republic

- Director of Private Haein Museum of Art

- Adjunct Professor at the National Czech Republic Brno Conservatory

- Southern Yejong Art School Vice Dean

- SBS Daejeon Broadcasting (TJB) "Painting Journey"

- OBS, KBS, TBC, UBC, JTV, CJB, JIBS, TV Chosun, Chinese CCTV broadcasting

- Judge of Venice Modern Biennale, International Judge of Korea International Art Exhibition

- Jury Chair, Hyatt Dulles Art Space, Washington, USA

- Hanseo University Graduate School of Arts and Humanities Noblesse Head Professor

- Chairman of Korean Art International ExchangeAssociation

- Expert Fellow, Freud Institute, Freud University, Austria

2017 "K-Art" Gallery Invitational Exhibition in Kwandong University 

2017 Invitational Exhibition from 4 European Countries (Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary)

2017 consecutive invitational exhibitions in Korean National Assembly 

2019 "3.1 100th Anniversary" Exhibition in Japan, the United States, and Korean National Assembly 

2012 Grand Prize in Culture and Arts Category for 100 People who Shined Korea

2016 Korea Education Contribution Awards, Culture and Arts Category Grand Prize

2020 Hyehwa Art Center Special Invitation Exhibition

Owned by Seoul National University, Court Office, Public Prosecutor's office, Office of National Assembly, National Academy of Environmental Sciences, State University of Maryland in USA, 

Freud University in Austria, and National University of Arts in Brno, Czech Republic