Plegium Smart Mini Pepper Spray - Ultimate Self-Defense

Plegium Smart Mini Pepper Spray - Ultimate Self-Defense with GPS, Alerts, and Dye Marking

Introducing the Plegium Smart Mini Pepper Spray, your 3-in-1 Guardian for Safety and Security in sleek Black. Plegium is revolutionizing personal safety with cutting-edge technology to enhance your chances of escaping an assault.

Key Features:

  1. Smart Technology: Plegium brings pepper spray into the 21st century with advanced smart features. The integrated GPS ensures help is on the way, while real-time alerts keep your emergency contacts informed.
  2. Dye Marking: Unlike traditional pepper sprays, Plegium includes a dye marking feature, providing a unique way to identify assailants and aid law enforcement.
  3. In-House Development: All product development, from electronic circuit boards to app programming, is done in-house. Plegium utilizes CAD software and 3D printers for prototyping, resulting in superior quality and functionality.
  4. Global Presence: Trusted in ~20 countries worldwide, Plegium products are designed to meet the diverse safety needs of users across the globe.
  5. Quality Assurance: Every unit undergoes rigorous testing for each function - spray, Bluetooth, siren, and LEDs. Plegium's commitment to in-house production ensures unmatched product quality.


Package Includes:

Stay Smart, Stay Safe with Plegium!

Invest in your personal safety with the Plegium Smart Mini Pepper Spray. Our in-house development, global recognition, and dedication to quality make us the ultimate choice for modern self-defense.

Don't compromise on safety – order your Plegium Smart Mini Pepper Spray today!