Blue Lotus Flower Nymphaea Caerulea Hand-Picked Dried Herbal Natural Organic 60g


Nymphaea caerulea, better known as the blue lotus flower, is a gift to the world. Originally found on the banks of the River Nile, the Nymphaea caerulea also called the blue lily, today is found all over the world including the Indian sub-continent. This beautiful blue flower is considered sacred by Indians, especially Buddhists. Historians have always considered the blue lily symbolically rich and associated it with the ancient Egyptian culture.

Health Benefits of Dried Blue Lotus

  •         Stress Reducer.
  •         Aphrodisiac.
  •         May Alleviates Anxiety.
  •         Soothes Dry Skin (prevents pimples and acne)
  •         Alleviates Stomach Issues, (Diarrhea/ Dysentery/Constipation)
  •         Regulates Periods.
  •         Eases Menstruation Cramps.
  •         May Promote Happiness in Depressed Persons.

Nymphaea caerulea, better known as the blue lotus flower, is a gift to the world. Originally found on the banks of the River Nile, the Nymphaea caerulea also called the blue lily, today is found all over the world including the Indian sub-continent.

This beautiful blue flower is considered sacred by Indians, especially Buddhists. Historians have always considered the blue lily symbolically rich and associated it with the ancient Egyptian culture.

But recent studies have revealed that it has healing properties as well. Nymphaea caerulea was used by ancient Egyptians as a stimulant to increase sexual desire.

It can be used to make various healthy concoctions including blue lotus tea, wine, and martinis! All you need to do is to soak the petals for up to three weeks to obtain the intoxicating beverage.

How to use 

Blue lotus tea can easily be prepared by boiling the flowers for 10-20 minutes. No matter how you consume it, the Nymphaea caerulea will surely provide your body with tons of health benefits!

if you want to smoke, that also can with your way.

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