Like new condition. This professional-grade Panasonic VariCam LT camera kit comes with a variety of accessories that make it perfect for any filmmaker or videographer. The kit includes a viewfinder, shoulder mount kit, gold mount batteries, charger, P2 cards, P2 reader, and flight case for easy transportation.

It has Gold plate batteries included for ten hours of record time, and is designed with DCI 4K (4096x2160, 17:9) recording definition and P2 media format capabilities, with ability to record RAW to outboard devices. It comes with both a PL mount (mounted), and an EF mount. Lens and tripod not included.

Other notable features include high dynamic range, dual native ISO 800/5000, which means noiseless low light shots, a viewfinder, an LCD screen, and slow motion capabilities. This camera is ideal for capturing high-quality footage in a variety of settings. It is a Netflix approved camera, still as of 2023. Sells new now at B&H for $18K, was purchased for $28K.