This is a brand new edition (2024) of Lalo Symphonie Espagnole . The publication is in the GALAMIAN tradition, contains an Edited, and unedited Urtext version, and a piano reduction. It is printed on the highest quality paper, features a laminated cover, and low profile metal binding to stay flat on the music stand and for easy storage. The editor is Dr. Bruce Berg whose expertise in violin teaching and performance  derives from his studies with Josef Gingold during his teens, and with Ivan Galamian, and Dorothy Delay at the Juilliard School. Check out other BDB Publications violin concerto editions of Bruch #1, Saint-Saëns #3, and Mendelssohn e minor.  See testimonies about BDB editions below.

Gerald Fischbach, Professor of Violin at University ofMaryland, “I will be happy to recommend them to  my students, as well as tomy teaching colleagues around the world…Your project will fill a great need in  our profession.

Emanuel Borok, former Concertmaster Dallas Symphony, “Superbjob! Should be of great value to young violinists and in many cases theirteachers as well. I see that it is all nicely printed.”

Julia Bushkova, Professor of Violin University of North Texas,“Thank you very much for sending me your editions! Iam very impressed with your work.”

Richard Luby, Professor of Violin UNC Chapel Hill,“Congratulations-this is an exciting development! I'll print these out over thenext few weeks and explore all this with great interest. It will be great tohave an alternative to Francescatti! And those are the pieces that I seem toteach the most year after year.”

Kenneth Goldsmith, Professor of Violin, Rice University, “Justreceived the fiddle files...GREAT!  Thank you so much for making your hardwork available to all.