White Rose Transmission
Spinning Webs At Night


Label: Echozone | Genre: Acoustic-Wave

EAN: 4260101554857 | Katalog-Nr.: EZ11C595


1Love Or Just Loveless (Live)04:12
2Wildest Horse (Live)04:20
3Cold In Spring (Live)04:26
4World In A Whirlpool (Live)04:37
5Ashes Or The Sparks (Live)05:57
6Lifeboat (Live)03:28
7Valley Of Blue Flowers (Live)03:14
8Bone Breaking Days (Live)03:42
9Glittering Green (Live)04:31
10Fire Flies (Live)03:43
11Weightless (Live)04:19
12Silent Air (Live)06:53
13Shades Of The Night (Live)04:31
14Walking On The Opposite Direction (Live)05:48

Info [English]

White Rose Transmission started in 1995 as a collaboration between Carlo van Putten (at that time vocalist of The Convent; now the singer of Dead Guitars) and Adrian Borland (front man of English 80's cult band The Sound). WRT did two album releases with the input and help of different collaborating artists such as Marty Wilson Piper (The Church), Mark Burgess (The Chameleons) and Amanda Palmer (Dresden Dolls)....

After the sudden death of Adrian Borland White Rose Transmission seemed to be doomed as being history, but Carlo carried on a few years later with his good friend Rob Keijzer on board. Together they recorded a collection of acoustic idea’s and stripped down these songs to the bare basics, which resulted in the third WRT album ‘Bewitched & Bewildered’ in 2006……

Two years later Rob got in touch with Frank Weyzig, a long time friend and songwriter, known for his work with ‘Clan of Xymox’ and ‘Born for Bliss’. Maybe coincidence, or just faith but Frank was also a huge Adrian Borland fan himself and liked the idea of working together with Rob and Carlo on a follow up album for White Rose Transmission. The outcome of this new collaboration is the release of the fourth WRT album “Spiders in the Mind Web”. Release date, April 2010….

Later that year WRT did some live shows in Germany to promote the new album. One of these gigs was recorded live (at Gallerie Message in Mönchengladbach) and resulted in the Live album you have in your hands right now! Besides live versions of tracks from ‘Spiders in the Mind Web’ on this CD you will also find some tracks from their previous albums and a powerful cover version of The Sound’s “Silent Air”, written by Adrian Borland…..