Licence from Food Safety & Standards Authority of India

Oils are packed in high quality amber glass bottles till 100ml.

300ml, 630ml & 1250ml in high quality virgin aluminium bottles.

R V Essential Pure Basil Essential Oil- Ocimum Basilicum (100% Pure & Natural-Therapeutic Grade-Steam Distilled)

Botanical Name: Ocimum basilicum

Common Method of Extraction: Steam distillation

Parts Used: Flowering plant

Note Classification: Middle

Aroma: Fresh, warm, spicy, herbaceous

Extraction: BASIL OIL is extracted through the process of steam distillation.

Therapeutic Properties: BASIL OIL has a watery viscosity and is pale greenish-yellow in color. The therapeutic properties of basil oil are analgesic, anti-venomous, carminative, cephalic, antidepressant, antispasmodic, diaphoretic, digestive, emmenagogue, expectorant, febrifuge, insecticide, nervine, stomachic, sudorific, tonic and stimulant. This oil plays an active role in treating colds, anxiety, infection, flatulence, fatigue, insect bites and repellant, sinus infection, bronchitis, coughs, depression, abrasions, whooping cough. However, it is made using herbal ingredients that helps in stimulating hair growth. It is also used for indigestion, stress, sinusitis, insect bites, headache, muscle relaxation, anxiety, bacterial infections, depression, panic attacks, hair loss, insomnia, menstrual cramps, intestinal problems, nausea, ear infections, massage, bathing, inhalation, diffusion and as a study aid.

Blends Well With: Bergamot, citronella, citrus oils, clary sage, geranium, hyssop, opopanax, rosemary

Precautions: This oil it should be avoid in epilepsy, liver problems, and while pregnancy. It can cause skin irritation, if it does not suits the user.


We are one of the largest sellers of essential & carrier oils in India, sourcing purest quality of essential & carrier oils from most reputed manufacturers all over the world. Our oils are Certified, Natural and Pure (Licenced by Food Safety & Standards Authority of India).


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