100% Organic Dried Blue Butterfly Pea Flower ,Nil Katarolu Tea

What Is Butterfly Pea Flower, and Does It Aid Weight Loss?Often featured in cocktails, cosmetics, and herbal tea blends, butterfly pea flower is an ingredient well-known for its brilliant blue hue.You may have heard about butterfly pea flower in health and diet circles. In recent years, the plant has also been studied for its antioxidant content and healthy properties.In particular, some studies suggest that butterfly pea flower may help ensure skin and hair health, promote weight loss, and reduce blood sugar levels.This article will take an in-depth look at some of the key benefits and side effects of butterfly pea flower, along with some ideas for how to use it.What is butterfly pea flower?Also known by its scientific name, Clitoria ternatea, the butterfly pea is a plant native to Asia. You may recognize it by its striking, vibrant blue flowers.

It is also rich in anthocyanins, which are the antioxidant compounds responsible for its unique color

For this reason, manufactures may use butterfly pea flower in cosmetics or as a natural dye for foods, drinks, and textiles.The flowers are also commonly brewed into an herbal tea, often alongside ingredients like lemongrass, honey, and lemon.When the acidity of the pea flower tea changes, the color changes as well. This quality makes butterfly pea flower a popular ingredient among mixologists for specialty cocktails.

Additionally, it’s known for its medicinal properties and has been associated with a variety of potential health benefits.