Christmas Stories | Diana Secker Tesdell | englisch

Autor: Diana Secker Tesdell
Format: gebunden
Seitenanzahl: 400
Verlag: Everyman
Erscheinungsdatum: 20071108
Sprache: englisch
Genre: Importe
Serie: Everyman's Library POCKET CLASSICS
Höhe in mm: 32
Länge in mm: 190
Breite in mm: 126
Gewicht in g: 410

As a literary subject, Christmas has inspired topics ranging from intimate domestic dramas, to fanciful flights of the imagination. This work features stories that is imbued with Christmas spirit of one kind or another. It also includes: "Green Holly"; "The Night Before Christmas"; "Vanka"; "The Burglar's Christmas"; and "Dancing Dan's Christmas".