| Hester Street |

In 1896, Yankel Bogovnik, a Russian Jew who had emigrated to the United States three years earlier, settled on Hester Street in New York's Lower East Side. Assimilated into American life, he learned English, anglicized his first name (he called himself Jake) and even shaved his beard. He works as a tailor for 12 dollars a week. He saves this salary to bring his wife and son to America. However, in the meantime, he falls in love with a dancer named Mamie Fein. Bogovnik is nevertheless happy when he learns that his wife and son have found a way to make the trip from Russia to New York. His happiness, however, is greatly dampened when he notices that his wife Gitl is not at all Americanized and that she looks nothing like Mamie. Can their marriage survive under these conditions?

| Hester Street | In 1896, Yankel Bogovnik, a Russian Jew who had emigrated to the United States three years earlier, settled on Hester Street in New York's Lower East Side. Assimilated into American life, he learned English, anglicized his first name (he called himself Jake) and even shaved his beard. He works as a tailor for 12 dollars a week. He saves this salary to bring his wife and son to America. However, in the meantime, he falls in love with a dancer named Mamie Fein. Bogovnik is nevertheless happy when he learns that his wife and son have found a way to make the trip from Russia to New York. His happiness, however, is greatly dampened when he notices that his wife Gitl is not at all Americanized and that she looks nothing like Mamie. Can their marriage survive under these conditi