THE KYIGYOSHINSHO & COLLECTED WRITINGS ON SHIN BUDDHIEM: A Collection of Writings Expounding the True Teaching Living, Faith and Realizing of the Pure Land

Author: Suzuki, Daisetz Teitaro; Gutuko Shaku Shinran
Title: THE KYIGYOSHINSHO & COLLECTED WRITINGS ON SHIN BUDDHIEM: A Collection of Writings Expounding the True Teaching Living, Faith and Realizing of the Pure Land
Publication: Kyoto: Shinshu Otaniha, 1973
Edition: First edition

Description: Edited by the Eastern Buddhist Society, Bound in handmade Japanese paper known as kumohada ("cloud pattern"), colored with persimmon juice; The pages are paper made from hemp with a small quantity of paper mulberry by master papermaker Heisaburo Iwano; The spine titles are printed on "Sekishu" paper, made of pure, unbleached paper mulberry by Masami Hishida; pp. xv, 262 with14 plates& xviii, 442 pages; Volumes are in clear plastic fitter wrappers and housed in a custom box.

Hardbound in fine condition; Plastic wrappers are somewhat cracked at the spine ends; Plastic wrap on The Kyigyoshinsho has a creased to its front cover; Box bumped around the corners and edges.

Seller ID: 32370

Subject: Alchemy

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