Senjutsu is a Samurai Skirmish Game for 1-4 Players, set in the Warring States Period of Feudal Japan. Playing as a unique Samurai, you will battle opponents in tense, thematic duels that will decide the fate of your clan.

Miniatures have been given an inkdrop effect.

Includes: 1x Senjutsu Core Set 1x Senjutsu Deluxe Components 1x The Ghost In The Night Add-On 1x The Shadow Under The Steel Add-On 1x The Gathering Storm Add-On 1x When Two Worlds Collide Add-On 1x The Wolf At The Door Add-On 1x Senjutsu Legends: Musashi and Kojirō Add-On 1x The Winds Of Change: Solo Narrative Campaign #2 3× Sleeve Packs (360 each) 1x Quad-fold XL 'Daimyo's Castle' Board 1x Limited Edition Senjutsu Big Box


28+ unlocked upgrades

The Path Of The Ronin Solo Narrative Campaign is a beautiful Campaign Book- meets Graphic Novel told from the perspective of a Samurai living in the period. As they wander through the tumultuous land, they'll be tested and have to fight to survive.  The outcomes of your efforts will shape the narrative as it unfolds and change your Samurai's abilities as you play.
