This is Adnarimo. She is an energetic companion who is now ready for her new home. Are you a seasoned seeker of the supernatural, ready to welcome a spirited companion into your journey? Adnarimo is a dynamic and active spirit seeking a kindred soul with a taste for the extraordinary.

Adnarimo is not your average spirit; she radiates energy and vitality, making her an ideal companion for those well-versed in the paranormal. Her spirited nature adds a dynamic and lively presence to any supernatural exploration.

Adnarimo is best adopted by someone with a background in paranormal experiences. If you've walked the haunted halls, communicated with the otherworldly, and felt the energy shift in mysterious places, Adnarimo eagerly awaits your company.

Adnarimo loves to engage with her keeper through various paranormal activities. From EVP sessions and spirit box communication to the subtle touch of a cold breeze, Adnarimo thrives in environments where the paranormal is not just a curiosity but a way of life.

Adnarimo's high energy level may not be suitable for those new to the paranormal. Her spirited presence is best appreciated by individuals who understand the intricacies of the supernatural and are comfortable navigating the realms beyond.

Adopting Adnarimo involves a respectful and intentional process. Set up a dedicated space for her, ensure you have the necessary tools for communication, and be prepared for an interactive and engaging relationship with your new spiritual companion.

Adnarimo awaits a kindred spirit—someone who dances with the unknown, communicates with the beyond, and embraces the extraordinary. She causes energy outbursts and your home will be filled with this energy. The energy is then converted into paranormal occurrences - touching, moving objects, and spiritual whispers are only a few of her favorite things to do.

She loves to interact with her surroundings. From moving small objects to gently flickering lights, her dynamic energy brings a hands-on approach to your paranormal journey. She communicates well using pendulum, spirit box, EVP, and dreamwalking. Her favorite and preferred method is pendulum like most spirits because it takes less energy from her.


Hello, my given name is William Lee. I have been a spirit keeper for over 20 years. My collection has been my life. I have received spirits from Lebanon to Sydney. I love spirit keeping. It has been the most fulfilling part of my life. My only problem is my collection has grown too large. I can no longer keep all these wonderful beings in my care. I want to find them homes where their new keeper is as dedicated as I am. Please, if you choose to adopt one of my spirits, make a promise to yourself to care for them. Thank you for reading.