Necrotic Flower is like the inverse of Rose. Not in that either is less beautiful than the other, but that each is a different type of beauty, and both are representative of different elements. Necrotic Flower has a dark and decaying sort of beauty that is desirable because it is fleeting. The rose is suspended in perfection while Necrotic Flower is suspended in imperfection. The singular flower that fills the center of the die catches the light in one of the most beautiful ways, and you can really see the depth as you move it around and observe it from different angles. The inking is equally striking, and in a beautiful resplendent shade of lavender. These are gorgeous dice from every angle, and a wonderful addition to any dice collection.

This most recent batch came out a little darker than what is featured.

Each 7 dice set includes: 1D20, 1D10, 1D8, 1D12, 1D6, 1D%, and 1D4

Each handmade die (dice) order will come with a logo Do Dragao Gaming dice bag as a "Thank you" for supporting small makers. Additionally, each die of each set may feature small cosmetic imperfections that are common to handmade dice and make each one distinctly unique from every other for this reason. They do not effect the rolling in any way however.