This amazingly dazzling and large jumbo crystal glass D20 is a true treasure to behold. And a treat to bring out when you need to make that really special roll. The contrast of the black numbering compared to the transparent faces makes them easy to read, and the beautiful runic shapes give them a wonderfully themed appearance.

D20 measures around ~30mm and is made of dichroic glass. Each of these D20's also weighs a hefty 2+ ounces!

This set is made of a semi-precious stone and like all semi-precious or glass dice, it is relatively fragile and prone to chipping or breaking entirely if mishandled or abused. For that reason each set comes in a faux leather flannel box and is specially wrapped to ensure safety in shipping. And it is HIGHLY recommended to roll dice such as these exclusively in a rolling tray or another soft surface, and do not allow the dice to bang into each other or into anything else if possible. Do Dragao waves all responsibility for all gemstone dice either broken or damaged after being received by the customer. None of this means the dice will be damaged, but that it is a possibility characteristic of all gemstone and glass dice and needs to be remembered at all times. Thank you.