Like any lake in the middle of winter, the top is frozen solid, but beneath the surface it's still flowing and twisting with the myriad of life that lives within. This beautiful dice set features soft blue tones, a calm metallic purple ink, and dazzling copper flakes that all work to adorn the glittery liquid center.

Every die is handmade, and because of that the liquid core can be slightly or noticeably off-center in the die. While this may be slightly unsightly, it does not appear to significantly impact the weight of the dice in rolls and in most dice is incredibly benign from a cosmetic standpoint.

Freezing/Winter Weather Warning: (Doesn't apply in Spring and Summer months)

These dice are far more fragile than most, and it is imperative that not only are they rolled exclusively on a soft surface such as a rolling tray or carpet, but also that they are kept away from extreme temperatures. Temperatures below freezing can cause the dice to crack or otherwise break. For that reason, Do Dragao ships each set in a thermal bubble mailer within another bubble mailer that is meant to insulate it from extreme temperatures and cushion it from being crushed for the average 2-5 day transit time. Damages due to shipping are not expected, and every measure has been taken to avoid it, but it is up to the customer to be aware of the climate they live in and understand what effect it may have on the dice when they're being delivered. And for that reason Do Dragao waives responsibility for any damage due to weather or climate.