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Five Cats Pedals - 3PDT Daughter Board
Dunder Dirt Cheap - Seymour Duncan Dirty Deed Distortion Clone  PCB

he Dunder Dirt Cheap is our take on the Seymour Duncan Dirty Deed Distortion

The Dunder Dirt Cheap can go from really simple light OD to full on in your face and everything inbetween. Using MOSFETS for the distortion creation it creates a really dynamic OD without getting muddy.  You can build it and run it from a standard 9V supply - but if you use 35v electrolytic caps - you can run it with 18V input and have more headroom!

The Treble and Bass controls are also active, giving out a +/- 12dB boost to each frequency and really make it easy to sculpt a classic or modern tone.


  • Level
  • Drive
  • Treble
  • Bass

Note: Remember to socket your transistors!

Note: This is for the PCB only, you will need to source your own components

Build documents are available on our website.