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Five Cats Pedals - 3PDT Daughter Board
Rattus - RAT / RAT2 / You Dirty RAT / Turbo RAT Clone  PCB

The RAT / RAT 2 / You Dirty RAT / Turbo RAT – that covers them all right? Well with out multi-rat board – the Rattus – you can build any one of the RAT variations you want.  There’s loads of mods available for the RAT board – some of which we cover in our build guide and if you want to read more about the full history of the legendary RAT pedals, google has loads of info!


  • Volume
  • Distortion
  • FIlter


Note: Remember to socket your transistor.

Compares to: RAT / RAT2 / You Dirty RAT / Turbo RAT by Proco


Note: This is for the PCB only, you will need to source your own components

Build documents are available on our website.