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Death in the new republic

by David Dison

At the heart of the title is an engaging, strongly drawn central character, Nossel, a Jhb Northern suburbs, middle age Jewish attorney who was involved in the struggle in the 1980's and more recently worked in the National Intelligence Agency until he overplayed his hand and was eased out in what he sees as an act of betrayal by his own people.

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Publisher Description

At the heart of the title is an engaging, strongly drawn central character, Nossel, a Jhb Northern suburbs, middle age Jewish attorney who was involved in the struggle in the 1980's and more recently worked in the National Intelligence Agency until he overplayed his hand and was eased out in what he sees as an act of betrayal by his own people. His part in solving the crime that forms the main plot of the story restores him to favour and to a sense of self-worth. He's a captivating character - gutsy, passionate, vulnerable, smart, who wears his heart on his sleeve and uses his wit and charm to get out of tricky corners. More interesting than the surface plot is the bigger story of what it means, and takes, to live in the new SA post- Mandela. This problem is figured in the story of Nossel - he begins the title, a dillusioned, middle aged man who hankers for the lost idealism, clear-cut morality and comradely activism of the Struggle in which he played a role.But times have changed, and the moral crusade against apartheid and the honeymoon years of the Mandela era have been replaced by the ordinariness, the sordid power games and rampant pursuit of self-enrichment characteristic of the Mbeki years. Even the grand and generous compromises that made possible the transition to democracy have been shown up as strategic mistakes, for many of the villains of apartheid were allowed to get off scot-free and to continue their evil ways in the new regime, as compromising one's own values and without giving way to cynicism, whingeing or complete withdrawal? How does one find a place and a role as a decent and caring citizen committed to the long-term transformation of the country in line with the values that the struggle once espoused? This is the real story at the heart of the title.

Author Biography

David Dison


David Dison is best known as a specialist defamation and media lawyer. A founder of the Weekly Mail, he fought numerous anti-censorship cases. Throughout the eighties he represented hundreds of detainees and trialists, most prominently in the Delmas Treason trial. He co-wrote the leading manual for journalists operating under the censorship imposed by the Apartheid state. He was part of the team at Codesa that set up the new media legal system for broadcasting in post-Apartheid SA. He was the founder and deputy chairperson of African Media Entertainment, a media holding company listed on the JSE. He is the author of numerous papers and articles on media and civil rights law. Currently he holds the position of MD of media and Broadcasting Consultants (Pty) Ltd. He is happily married and has two children. He has lived in Johannesburg all his life.


Adrift in the new republic of rampant self-enrichment and sordid power games, Jerome Michael Nossel finds himself cut loose and betrayed by the very people he helped bring to power. He soon stumbles upon a murder, and his obsession won't let him walk away without discovering the truth--not just about the crime, but about himself. This engaging mystery paints a clear picture of what it means--and takes-- to live in the new South Africa.

Review Quote

"A brave and fascinating first novel . . . in the great tradition of Jeffrey Archer."


Author David Dison
Language English
ISBN-10 1770093745
ISBN-13 9781770093744
Media Book
Format Paperback
DOI 10.1604/9781770093744
Imprint Jacana Media
Place of Publication Johannesburg
Country of Publication South Africa
Pages 196
Publisher Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd
Year 2007
Publication Date 2007-06-07
DEWEY 823.92
Audience General
