Pu Le An/Qian Lie Kang Tablet For prostate health 60Tablets/Box              前列康 普樂安片 用于前列腺炎


【Product Name】Pu Le An Tablets(Qian Lie Kang)
【Chinese Name】普乐安片(前列康)
【Ingredients】Rape pollen, etc.
【Functional indications】
Tonifying the kidney and strengthening the foundation, it is used for the soreness of the waist and knees caused by the deficiency of kidney qi, and the residual urine.
【Usage】Oral, 3-4 tablets each time, 3 times daily.
【adverse reactions】a few people had mild loose stools after use.
【Matters needing attention】
1. Don't eat spicy, cold and greasy food.
2. Do not take it with cold medicine.
3. Some people may have loose stool and abdominal pain after taking it, and the symptoms will disappear after stopping or reducing the dosage.
4. Please keep the product out of children's reach.
5. Do not take this product when its properties change.
【Storage Method】Store in a cool, sealed, dry, avoid light place.