CD is in new, still-sealed condition. This is not a rental, promo, library or music club version. // For these recordings, musicians were: Michael Hill (Tombs) / Gillian Dreadful (Fad Nauseam) / Andy Southard (Giant Squid, Who Cares) / Sheena Powell / Alap Momin (Dalek, MRC Riddims, Numbers Not Names, This Immortal Coil) / Chris Connolly (Desertshore) / Kevin Hufnagel (Sabbath Assembly, Byla, Grey Blue Division, Vaura, Dysrhythmia, Gorguts) / Yanni Papadopoulos (Stinking Lizaveta) / Christian Alexander (aka Christian McKenna) (Zodiak, Empty Flowers, Hex Inverter) / Justin Broadrick (Godflesh, Final, God, Jesu) / Kitty McKenna, Richard Hoak (More Fiends, Exit-13, Brutal Truth) / Vincent Rosa // "This is how Swans would sound if they had found Burroughs’s secret stash of Benzedrine. The resultant goldfish memory convincing McKenna and accomplices that 4 minutes of scattered electronic frenzy were in fact 20 of calculated build up. Yet somehow it works. Leaving you muttering peculiar melodies into the broken morning." - Jon Buckland // "You’d be forgiven for heading into End Christian’s Bach Part One and expecting a metal album. Several members, in fact, have previously been the creators of critically acclaimed metal records, so it’s surprising to hear an intricately designed avant-garde trip-hop work upon first listen, in a brave but ultimately brilliant departure from each member’s initial sound...One of the greatest things about this record upon first listen, however, is the seemingly huge influence (whether intentional or not) it appears to take from so many other fantastic albums. There are elements of Kid A-era Radiohead here and there, a hint of Björk’s Homogenic, Portishead’s Dummy – in places, this record isperhaps not too dissimilar even to Aphex Twin’s …I Care Because You Do. Fans of music from the last few years will also love the ambient, avant-garde features on this record. If you’re into the likes of Arca, Forest Swords and Oneohtrix Point Never, this one’s for you...Bach Part One is an almost immaculate example of an artist departing from their original sound for the better, delivering a record that could almost act as a sequel to their first (2017’s Energy & Strength); it’s much more diverse, much more interesting, and even much more thought-out." - Thomas McGlynn