
Mobius Magic Labyrinth [board game] Product description

  • The object of the game is to advance your frame to the same square as the objective chip drawn on the game board.
    First, turn over an objective chip. The player rolls the dice and moves his or her chip to the square that corresponds to the objective chip. Underneath the tops are iron balls with magnets. There are also walls underneath the game board.
    If the frame tries to move beyond a wall, the iron ball will hit the wall and fall down. The ball drops the frame back to the starting point of the corner. You must then know where the wall is located under the game board and remember that the next time you move around this area, you will not be able to pass through it.
    When you move a frame to an objective, you win that objective chip and turn over a new objective chip. The person who collects the most objective chips wins. It's a fun game where you advance your pieces with a sense of excitement, knowing that there might be a wall underneath. The game is designed for children, but adults can also enjoy it.
● Number of players: 2-4
● Playing time: 20-30 minutes
● Target age: 6 years and older
