
TAMIYA TAMIYA 71107 2-channel remote-controlled insect (6-legged walking type) Product Summary

  • Six-legged insect robot assembly kit.

    This kit is an assembly kit of a 6-legged insect-type robot, which can be controlled to move forwards and backwards, left and right, using a 2-channel remote control box. Simultaneous forward movement with the left and right sticks and backward movement with the left stick. The robot curves to the left if only the right stick is pushed forward, and to the right if the left stick is pushed down. If the left and right sticks are tipped in the opposite direction, the player will spin around on the spot. Motor for the right and left foot respectively. The movement of the middle foot is transmitted to the front and rear feet by a link rod. The gearbox is already assembled and the motors are wired to the remote control board, so you can easily assemble it simply by fitting and screwing. The kit also comes with stickers for eyes and numbers to stick on the fuselage, and an assembled ball and goal, so you can gather your friends together for a game of football.
  • The images shown are of the kit assembled.
