Kalocsai Ground Paprika - Hot - Food Seasoning Paprika Powder 

Content: 6 x 100g (6 x 3.5 oz) ground paprika powder hot in a ceramic bag - souvenir product

Paprika powder, also known as ground paprika or red pepper, is a finely ground powder made from common pepper (Capsicum annuum). It is a characteristic spice of Hungarian dishes, but it is also used in many other countries.

Hungarian paprika ground from Kalocsa and Szeged has become world famous. The sweet, non-spicy and hot varieties of the hot pepper plant (Capsicum annuum L.var Longum DC.) and the Hungarian cherry pepper (Capsicum annuum L.var Longum Grossum) are available raw or dried (semi-product).

Protected Designation of Origin meaning: from the seed to the ground pepper, all production and technological operations are carried out in the Kalocsa region under controlled conditions.

The paprika Kalocsa is not only the basis of the traditional Hungarian meal, but for many decades it has been the best-known Hungarian product in the world, the so-called hungaricum.

Recommended storage:

Store in a dry, cool place, protected from direct sunlight!

Nutritional value (g/100g): 

Energy: 1290 kJ (311 kcal)/100g 
protein: 16.53 
fat: 11.10 carbohydrates: 16.56 
saturated fatty acids: 2.69 sugar: 13.79 
dietary fiber: 39.58 
starch: 2.77 
Sodium: 0.03

Country of Origin: Hungary (Europe / EU)