Organic Hungarian Chokeberry / Aronia Honey Speciality 

Content of the set:
3 x 400g (14 oz) chokeberry / aronia honey

Description of Mézbarlang Chokeberry / Aronia Honey Speciality:  Protects the heart from cell damage.

The chokeberry, or aronia, is not necessarily a well-known wild fruit. When eaten fresh, it has a very strong astringent, astringent taste, which is why it is not really popular, but this is well balanced by honey.

However, its medicinal effects are outstanding, I would only mention a few tangentially:

- useful for the circulatory system, as its active ingredients reduce inflammation, its high antioxidant content protects the heart and blood vessels from cell damage, reduces high blood pressure and harmful cholesterol levels;
- its antioxidants protect the stomach and can be used to treat stomach problems such as stomach ulcers or diarrhea;
- antibacterial, antiviral, long-term consumption can make the human body more resistant to infections;
- by eliminating inflammation, black rowan reduces the risk of chronic diseases (diabetes, heart disease, arthritis);
- in cancer prevention, research has primarily shown its effectiveness against colon cancer;
- it also has an effective healing effect in protecting the eyes, due to its high beta-carotene content it protects the health of the eyes, reduces the risk of cataracts, and thanks to zeaxanthin and lutein, it helps prevent macular degeneration and is also very effective against eye inflammation.

Ingredients: lyophilized aronia 5%, mixed flower honey 95%


Its consumption is recommended in all forms!
  • Spooned on its own. For drinks: tea, coffee, milk. For eating: spread on bread by itself or mixed with butter, in pancakes, cakes, pasta, roasts, sweet and spicy dishes of oriental cuisine.
Recommended storage:

Store in pantry.

Country of Origin: Hungary (Europe / EU)