1 OZ Morel mushrooms.These Morel mushrooms are harvested from our Tribal Primitive area. Meaning that within the boundaries of the land there was no fire suppression chemicals used, and also means that very little human traffic has encountered these remote areas in many years. These were harvested respectfully. The dried morels you will purchase are a mix of the common black morel and gray morels. It is how they came up together, and so we have not bothered separating them out.These were harvested at an elevation of 6500 feet, in alpine lodgepole forest of Montana. Dried in the fresh mountain air, and sunshine.These have been handled carefully, you may notice an occasional tree needle, and or ash. We have done our best to gently shake loose debris from them, however you can only lightly do this without destroying the soft outside ribbing of the Morel mushroom.Before consuming you should soak the mushrooms in cold water, changing out your water up to several times. Until they reach a soft texture. Proceed to cook in your favorite way.Thank you for having a look at our Mushrooms!