Original Vintage Newspaper THE ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS Dated 1938 HITLER CRISIS SPEECH NUREMBURG LUITPOLD ARENA Hitler Youth SUDETEN PROBLEM Czechoslovakia ARNHEM LAND AUSTRALIA Dr Donald F. Thomson ABORIGNAL HUNTERS - Plus much more; see main description



Original Weekly Issue

This first part of the description features a list of images i.e. photos, diagrams, drawings etc (these sometimes have descriptive articles but not always). They include:

Fanaticism: Hitler Youths Sworn in as Members of the Nazi Party at Nuremberg - full page (fp) front cover.

Nuremberg Germany - fp showing x7photos:

Dr Goebbels, the German Minister of Propaganda, Addressing District Leaders in the Opera House.

Field Marshal Goering Speaking at a Mass Meeting of the Labour Front.

Herr Rudolf Hess, the Fuhrer's Deputy, at the Opening of the Nazi Congress "Proclaiming the People's Faith in Their Leader".

The British Ambassador, Sir Nevile Henderson, with Field Marshal Goering Watching a Demonstration.

Sir Neville, Among a Group of Diplomats, with whom Herr Hitler is Chatting Informally.

Demonstration of German Games with Athletes Carrying Heavy Wooden Poles Marching on to the Zeppelin Field.

Goose Stepping Before Herr Hitler Standing in His Car: One of The Labour Battalions During Their March Past.

The Iron Hammer of the Reich: The Great Parade of 120,000 Storm Troopers Before Herr Hitler in the Luitpold Arena - fp.

Dr Benesh the President of Czechoslovakia.

HM Battleship "Royal Sovereign" Heading Out to Sea From Sheerness, On Her Way to Invergordon for Manoeuvres - fp.

Types of Warships of the French Navy Recently Placed in a State of Preparedness - double page (dp) from drawings by Dr Oscar Parkes OBE. Shows Battleships, submarine chasers, Mogador Scouts, "Dunkerque" and "Strasbourg" Battleships, cruisers, Submarines, aircraft carrier, torpedo boats, gunboats, etc.

The Regalia of the Holy Roman Empire Removed from Nuremberg in 1796 and Returned the City's Custody by Hitler: Dr Seyss-Inquart, the Statthalter of the Ostmark, Handing over the insignia to the Burgomaster in the Church of St Catherine - with others.

Personalities in the German/Czech Crisis in London: Mr Joseph Kennedy the American Ambassador.

Mr Anthony Eden.

Sir John Simon Chancellor of the Exchequer.

Lord Halifax the Foreign Secretary.

Mr Churchill an Ex-Cabinet Minister.

Mr Neville Chamberlain the Prime Minister, With ?His Wife.

Mr Attlee the Leader of the Opposition.

Sir Samuel Hoare the Home Secretary.

Mr Duff Cooper First Lord of Admiralty.

Sir Robert Vansittart Chief Diplomatic Adviser to the Government.

Mr Hore-Belisha Secretary for War.

Symbols Restored by Herr Hitler to the Custody of Nuremberg: The Regalia of the Holy Roman Empire Brought From Vienna - dp showing x7photos.

South America Unexploited and Uncropped. "Journey to Manaos" by Earl Parker Hanson - x4photos.

Royal Photographic Society's Exhibition: Adult Badger and Cubs at Play by T. O. Ruttledge - Spilocuscus Nudicaudatus by H. Chargois AROS. Fp showing x2 photos and small article.

Exhibition of the London Salon of Photography - dp showing x2photos: Canadian War Memorial on Vimy Ridge by C. L. Clarke; Memorial To Christopher Columbus at Rapallo, Italy by Gascoigne Lynde.

Science Page showing x3photos of Herons (drawing), Storks, and Cranes.

Downing St Crowds on The Hitler Speech Night - fp showing x2photos: Section of the Big Crowd Which Began to Assemble in Downing Street; Crowds in Whithall Awaiting with Interest the Reports of Herr Hitler's Speech at Nuremberg.

Hitler's Crisis Speech, a Declaration the World Awaited - fp showing x2photos: Hitler Making his Fateful Pronouncement in Which He Demanded the Right of Self Determination for the Sudeten Germans of Czechoslovakia; The Fuhrer's Audience in The congress Hall at Nuremberg with Hitler Delivering His Speech.

Agitation in the Sudeten German Areas of Czechoslovakia - fp showing x7photos:

The Sudeten Demonstration at Marisch Ostrau.

Sudeten Flags at Marisch Ostrau.

Bomb Damage in a Czech Technical School at Huyltschin.

Bilingual Notices at Eger Defaced, with Czech Words Obliterated and German Version Intact.

A Customs Notice.

A School Dental Clinic Notice; and a Placard.

Czech Police Making Arrests at Most, A Mining Village in North Bohemia Miel

The System of the Maginot Line: Works Typical of the Vast underground Defences Along the French Frontier - centre dp showing a diagrammatic drawing (with surface cut away) to show the interior of a hillside; drawn by G H. Davis.

A Fort of Maginot Type with "Asparagus" Anti Tank Defences - fp showing x7 diagrams drawn by Our Special Artist G. |H. Davis, From Information Received.

Personalities and Events of the Week- fp showing x10images:

The Masting of Nelson: Mr John Masefield, Port Laureate, Arriving for the Ceremony (with others).

The New Figurehead of HMS Conway: A Representation of Nelson Carved out of Teak.

Queen Mary Planting a Sycamore Tree at Little France, Edinburgh.

Canon J. C. How New Bishop of Glasgow and Galloway - info. John Charles Halland How.

Squadron Leader M. J. Adam, Holder of the World's Altitude Record, Killed in Air Crash at Farnborough - info Maurice James Adam.

HRH Prince Arthur of Connaught.

Mr Charles Cruft Founder of the Dog Show.

The Count of Covadonga - info. Alfonso Prince of Asturias (Spanish).

Braemar Gathering: Queen Elizabeth Greeted by Lord Aberdeen.

In the Royal Box at Braemar: Princess Elizabeth, Princess Margaret, with the King and Queen - with others.

Foreign and Home News - fp showing x6photos:

Salvaging The Chinese American Air Liner, Forced Down by Japanese Aeroplanes, From the Canton River nr Macao Reive..

Evidence of the Attack Denied by the Japanese: Part of the Engine Cowling of the Airliner, Showing Bullet Holes.

An Obelisk Unveiled at the Mussolini Camp in Rome: To Commemorate Italians Killed in Spain.

The Funeral of Herr Alfred Knoll: Sudeten Storm Troops Carrying the Coffin at Jaegendorf, Czechoslovakia.

Unit of the Newly Formed United States Atlantic Squadron on a Courtesy Visit to Portland in the Cruiser Nashville.

War Museum at the Invalides, Paris: A 1914 "Taxi de la Marne".

New Discoveries at Atchana nr Antioch - x4photos within article: City Gate of Alalakh from Outside the Walls - Corner of a Room in the Palace at Alalakh - Wall in the Palace - Façade of the Palace at Alalakh with Brick Paved Path Crossing Court Yard.

Atchana Pottery with Unknown Painted Ware, Associated with Horites of Old Testament Fame; Also Syrian, Mycenaean, and Cypriote Bronze Age Types - double page showing x17photos with articles; photos by British Museum.

A White Man's Adventures with Australian Blacks of Central Arnhem Land on a Hunting Trip in The Arafura Swamps - x8photos over several pages:

Grass Covered Dwelling of North Australian Native Goose Hunters.

Head of a Magpie or Semi Palmated Goose Whose Eggs are Sought by Natives of Arnhem Land.

Sharp Pointed Bow of a Bark Canoe Used by the Goose Hunters.

Australian Blacks of Arnhem Land Setting Out, in Bark Canoes Propelled Like Punts, Across the Arafura Swamps I Search of Geese and their Eggs - near full page photo by Donald F. Thomson, with caption article

Australian Blacks of Arnhem Land Adopt Arboreal Habits, Like Gorillas, During Goose Hunting Expeditions…

Temporary Tree Dwellers on Their Platform and Natives Boiling the "Billy" and Roasting Goose Eggs…

A Blackfellow Standing in Water Beside His Boat and Robbing a Goose Nest of Eggs…

Returning With His Bag of Wild Geese Each Killed by the Multiple Pronged Spear …

World of Kinema: Corinne Luchaire in "Prison Without Bars" - - Renee Saint-Cyr in "Strange Borders" - - Wendy Miller miel as the Cockney Flower Girl Eliza Doolittle in "Pygmalion" x2 - - Barry K. Barnes and Valerie Hobson in "This Man is News".

South Africa Travel Bureau - fp advert.

Collectors Page: A Mounted Knight Carved in Walrus Ivory; One of Seventy Eight Pieces Found in The Island of Lewis, Outer Hebrides - - A Late Jacobean Game Board and Men (Chess) Presented to Samuel Pepys by James II - - The Charlemagne King - - A Knight in the Musee De Luny, Paris.

VAT 69 Whisky - fp advert.

Motoring Page: Rover 1939 "Fourteen" Saloon Car - - The Austin "Big Seven" Saloon Car.

Shell Advert - half page.

Vauxhall 12 Four Car - fp advert.

Victoria and Albert Museum: Model of the Five Orders of Architecture, Said to Have Belonged to Marie Antoinette - small photo.

The Old Schoolhouse of Gairnshiel near Ballater: Purchased by The King for the Use as a "Picnic Cottage" by Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret - small photo.

Canadian Pacific - travel advert.

Baden Baden.

Kurhaus at the Spa of Bad Nauheim.

This second part of the description features items of news articles etc but have no images associated with the subject matter unless listed above. They include:

Note Book page by Arthur Bryant.

South America Unexploited and Uncropped. "Journey to Manaos" by Earl Parker Hanson - An Appreciation by Sir John Squire

World of Science by W. P. Pycraft: Herons, Storks, and Cranes.

New Discoveries at Atchana near Antioch by Sir Leonard Woolley, Dir. British Museum Excavations in N. Syria.

Goose Hunters Who Live in Trees (in The Arafura Swamps Central Arnhem Land, Australia) - by Dr Donald F. Thomson.

A Remarkable Journey of Investigation by Dr Donald F. Thomson. Plus Tree Top Dwellings and a Hitherto Unrecorded Custom of Australian Aborigines.

The World of The Kinema by Michael Orme - cinema, film reviews.

Collectors Page by Frank Davis. c.keenlyside.

The Chronicle of the Car by H. Thornton Rutter - motoring.

The Playhouses - reviews: "Can We Tell" at the New Theatre - "Room for Two" at trhe Comedy.

Books Reviewed reive by Charles E. Byles.

Traveller Log Book by Edward E. Long: Some German Spas - travel article. 1709


An original but USED vintage newspaper, not a scan and not a later re-print. The Illustrated London News was a magazine founded by Herbert Ingram, with the first edition of the Illustrated London News appearing on 14 May 1842. The Illustrated London News was a magazine founded by Herbert Ingram with the first edition of the Illustrated London News appearing on 14 May 1842.

Twenty pages (40 sides). It measures approx 357x265 mm (14.5x10.5inches). There is a little age yellowing. Some of the pages are loose, have handling marks, blemishes due to their great age; anything more than minor will be mentioned in the main body of the description. The staples are rusty and leave witness marks. The images vary in size. There is no outer advertising wrap unless otherwise stated. PLEASE NOTE: I cannot guarantee that the issue is complete 'as published' - but what I have described above IS present. As far as I can tell, there are no pages missing, but if there's anything, in particular, you are looking for, PLEASE ASK. The page numbering in The Illustrated London News carries on from the previous week's issue and therefore do not start at number 1.

The above description details the content in my words and not necessarily what's written on the original page." Info." in the description is my research, although relevant to the accompanying image or article, is not necessarily in the text. This item will be packaged in a tube and sent RM small parcels.

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