#2224 - First Day Cover, Masonic Stamp Club of New York Cachet, 2023 Scott Cat. Value: $?

ATTENTION: I will be listing many, many more better stamps as often as health permits, so please check back at my store daily for new listings! I am eliminating the vast majority of my collection which has many different categories of US stamps (Regular & BOB Issues) and better quality First Day Covers!

I am a 69-year-old retired collector that has been collecting stamps on and off since I was 18 years old and, as you might imagine, I have accumulated a lot of stamps. I am selling off selected items from my collection, so please keep an eye out for new listings!
I am attempting to raise money as my wife of 39 years is currently going through chemotherapy and, as such our spendable income is drying up fast!

Please examine scan carefully! I typically do not scan the back of a stamp if there is nothing of significance to see. Any flaws will be noted if any are identified on the stamp!

I am extremely conservative when grading stamps so if you disagree with my assessment, please let me know as I am always interested to learn more!

PLEASE NOTE: International buyers should wait to be invoiced as shipping costs will vary based on destination!