Give your kitten the best start in life with Purina Pro Plan Healthy Start Kitten Wet Food in Turkey Gravy. This gourmet wet food is specially formulated to provide your kitten with all the nutrients they need for healthy bones and muscle growth, as well as healthy vision and brain development. Each pack contains 10 pouches of 85g each that are made with high-quality turkey protein, providing a delicious and nutritious meal for your furry friend. This cat food is made in the United Kingdom and is perfect for kittens of all breeds aged 1-12 months. The wet food has a tasty gravy that is sure to satisfy your kitten's cravings while providing them with the essential nutrients they need to grow up strong and healthy. Whether you're a first-time cat owner or an experienced pet parent, Purina Pro Plan Healthy Start Kitten Wet Food in Turkey Gravy is the perfect choice for your furry friend.