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*Antique Picture postcards * Collection & Collectible * Printed Ephemera

Not Available.
Movie Advertise Image card-
Tapasya (1976) 
Rakhee Gulzar - 
Qty; 1

Size; 14 cm x 9.0 cm (Standard- Postcard Size). 
Condition; Mild crack on edge as visible.
Old.. Mild timely impurities. Overall Excellent.
All original no kind of modern Replica.

Similar cards available till sales any of them. Buying together entitled you for Combined shipping. Visit my Shop and search Picture Postcard.
My Policy;
First item (Maximum shipping ) full charge + 50% of shipping amount added /offered for
combined shipping.


1. Listed items under this Shop Categories are Eligible for Volume discount;
2. Bulk buyer may ask for Customized package deal .